Programme and Technical Assistance

Research and Analysis:

Conducting literature reviews and secondary data, bottleneck and country situation analyses (SitAn). Designing and conducting quantitative and qualitative studies and other relevant analytical approaches to synthesise data findings. Scanning country-level programming environments and critically appraising different cross-cutting, multi-sectoral issues and problems.

Strategic Planning and Programme Design:

Providing high quality conceptual, analytical and synthesis support to inform the design of innovative programmes and projects that reflect cultural nuances and field realities. Developing results matrices and theories of change for improved programme design. Facilitating Strategic Moments of Reflection (SMR) and other strategy planning consultations. Additional experience in intervention and partner mapping, as well as drafting programme strategy notes, mid-term review reports and country programme documents (CPDs).

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Designing monitoring protocols to periodically track and assess key elements (effectiveness and efficiency) of programme/project performance and develop research protocols for systemic assessment of multilevel results, including impact and the performance of the programme/ project. Our Associates are skilled at providing mid-term project implementation assessments, are also experienced in conducting full mid-term and final evaluations, as well as survey questionnaires, interview guides, and other evaluation tools, all tailored to specific stakeholder audiences.

Examples of Most Recent Projects:

  • Drosos/Egypt – Strategic Planning and Development of a Change Process, 2016-2018
  • UNICEF/Zambia – Mid-term Review Preparation (SitAn), SMR, Programme Strategic Notes), 2017-2018
  • UNICEF/Ghana – Situation Analysis (SitAn) and Strategic Moment of Reflection (SMR), 2016
  • UNICEF/Pacific Islands – Situation Analysis (SitAn) of Children in the Pacific, 2016
  • UNICEF/Middle East & North Africa (MENARO) – Emergency HR Recruitment Services (Jordan), 2016