JoAnna Pollonais is a communication for development specialist that believes that communications is an integral part of every development/humanitarian initiative, and a dynamic strategy can raise the profile of an organization. The latter involves telling compelling stories, brand management, curating social [media] networks, sharing engaging messages, media toolkits, and fostering strong relationships with donors, partners, public and media.

Employed as a global ‘humanitarian mercenary’ (aka: freelance Communication and Development Advisor) her work entails : strategic planning, coordination, writing/reporting, liaising, media production, and behavioural change components. She uses these elements to bridge the divide between an organization, partners, civil society and those that matter most: the people at the heart of every initiative.



Associate Overview:


  Languages: English, French, Dutch

 Academic Degrees: MSc in Development and International Affairs

 Countries worked: Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Rwanda, DRC, Kenya, Uganda, Viet Nam, Thailand, India, Afghanistan, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom, Canada

Technical/Program Areas of Expertise:  Communications, Communication for Development, HIV/AIDS, Health, Sustainable development, Violence against children