Paryss Kouta is a Senior Communication for Development Specialist with a very rich experience in the fields of Social Mobilisation, Community Engagement, Risk & Emergency Communication as well as Communicating with Communities (CwC). For more than 30 years, he worked for the United Nations Information Center (UNIC), UNICEF, WHO and OCHA. Before joining the UN system, Paryss Kouta worked as teacher of Philosophy and Radio/TV journalist. Paryss is highly qualified in Risk/Emergency Communication. He was deployed as Emergency Communication Soecialist by WHO during the Ebola crisis in Guinea, by OCHA during the Matthew Huricane Emergency Response in Haiti and by UNICEF on the Rohingya Crisis, in Cox’s Bazar – Bangladesh. In the role of Senior Communication for Development Specialist, Paryss has served UNICEF for more than 22 years in many countries, including regional offices.

Highly professional, Paryss has a very good knowledge of the field (Regional and Country experience) and its political, social, economic and cultural realities.


Associate Overview:

Languages: Kikongo, English, French

Academic Degrees: Equivalent Master Degree, Social Sciences/Philosophy

Countries worked: Congo Brazzaville, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Switzerland (Geneva), Guinea Conakry, Haiti,Bangladesh

Technical/Program Areas of Expertise:  Child Protection, Child Rights, Communication for Development, Early Childhood Development, Education, Health, Polio and other disease outbreaks, Immunization, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)