Barbara Franklin is a specialist in communication for social and behavior change and Director of All One Communication. She provides technical assistance to international NGOs and SMOs, the UN, and multilateral and bilateral partners worldwide. Working with her own original conceptual tools, The Steps of Change and Audience-Centered Communication Planning. Barbara helps communication teams and researchers understand their audiences, develop effective advocacy and communication strategies, and plan compelling mass media campaigns for healt h and development. Barbara specializes in in-depth audience research and analysis and strategy development working with variety of social and development goals including vaccination, prevention of violence against children, media development, HIV and AIDS, and others.
Associate Overview:
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Academic Degrees: Doctorate in Communication
Countries worked: Albania, American Samoa, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belize, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinée, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Lao PDR, Liberia, Malawi, Maldives, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Samoa, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Tchad, Thailand, Tonga, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia
Technical/Program Areas of Expertise: Child Protection, Child Rights, Communications, Communication for Development, Gender, HIV/AIDS, People with Disabilities, Violence against children