Celestin Paryss Olivier Kouta

Celestin Paryss Olivier Kouta

Paryss Kouta is a Senior Communication for Development Specialist with a very rich experience in the fields of Social Mobilisation, Community Engagement, Risk & Emergency Communication as well as Communicating with Communities (CwC). For more than 30 years, he...
Deirdre O’Shea

Deirdre O’Shea

Deirdre O’Shea has over 25 years of experience in writing, editing, strategic communication and external relations, with particular expertise in international development, multilateral affairs and public higher education. She is an excellent writer and editor...
Elham Fateem

Elham Fateem

Elham Fateem has over 30 years of experience nationally and internationally in the field of development; designing, managing and delivering training and research as well as technical assistance to the private sector, government organizations and NGOs in Egypt, the...
Eloho Basikoro

Eloho Basikoro

Eloho Basikoro, PhD is a global development professional and social scientist with over 10 years of work experience in research, teaching and strategic development planning within academia and the international development sector. Eloho recently conducted a formative...
Farkhad Imambakiev

Farkhad Imambakiev

Farkhad Imambakiev, a former UNICEF staff member, has worked as a consultant with UNICEF offices in Bangladesh, Eritrea, Pakistan, South Sudan and Turkmenistan since 2012. He brings a diverse skill set in strategic communication, project implementation management and...