Human Resources Support and Career Development

Personnel Support:

Assisting clients in personnel management, recruitment and entitlement functions. Providing strategic advice on human resources management. Providing technical advice on and developing human resources policies and strategic staffing approaches.

Career Development:

Preparing junior staff for more senior professional careers that include a combination of online, self-paced learning, coaching and soft-skills workshop. Providing refreshers on professional code of conduct – expectations and requirements.

Mentoring and Coaching:

Offering both off-shore and in-country mentoring and coaching for mid-level field staff and key partners in human rights-based approaches to C4D and general programming though our Change Makers Experiential Learning Labs contracts. We harness the power of technology through interactive individual and small group mentoring and coaching via phone, Skype, email, WhatsApp, videos, etc. The ultimate purpose of our Coaching and Mentoring programme is to deepen the in-country learning experience through a supportive and sustained process of real time learning that provides participants – particularly in the Change Makers Experiential Learning Labs –access to feedback and support as they go forward and use their newfound knowledge, skills and tools in their actual field settings, in real time. This process can include, but is not limited to: reviewing participant-drafted strategies and concept notes, reviewing facilitation of participant-led sessions for meetings and workshops that use their newly acquired skills, brainstorming on how to incorporate their new rights-based approaches into existing programming, etc.


Examples of Most Recent Projects:


  • UNICEF/Kenya – Comprehensive Assessment of C4D Capacity Gaps/Needs and Designing a Capacity Development Plan and Training of Trainers, 2015-2016
  • UNICEF/Malawi – C4D Capacity Development for UNICEF staff and key Partners, 2015
  • UNICEF/Zimbabwe, Ethics Workshop 2017
  • UNICEF/Middle East and North Africa (MENARO) – Regional Essential Skills Programme, Amman, 2016 & 2018
  • UNOPs/SE4All (Austria), Strategy Human Resources (HR) Advisory Services, 2016
  • UNICEF/Middle East and North Africa (MENARO) – Ethics Workshop & Refresher, Amman, 2014 & 2015