An experienced C4D specialist, Susan has lived and worked in South Asia, South-east Asia and the South Pacific for many years. She has completed assignments with UNICEF as both a full- time staff and consultant and gained additional international experience through work with Save the Children, the Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs. Areas of focus for her work has included health, immunization, nutrition, education and ECCD, child protection and social protection along with the development of communication and advocacy strategies, interactive behavior change materials and approaches, capacity building for improved use of C4D and production of background documents, concept notes and program “briefs” highlighting innovative approaches and lessons learned related to use of SBCC.






Associate Overview:

 Languages: English, Nepali

Academic Degrees: Master of International Affairs- Communication for Development

Countries worked: Afghanistan, Bhutan, China / Tibet, Fiji, India, Kenya, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu

 Technical/Program Areas of Expertise: Child Protection, Child Rights, Communication for Development, Education, Gender, HIV/AIDS, Health, Maternal, newborn, & child health (MNCH), Polio and other disease outbreaks, Immunization, Nutrition, Social protection & Policy, Violence against children, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)